
Foods To Avoid During Pregnancy That Can Cause Miscarriage

13. Restaurant-made salads:

Say no to restaurant-made salads such as Caesar salad dressing, pre-made meats (ham, chicken salads), and seafood salads as they carry harmful microbes. The raw eggs, vegetables, and leaves used in salads harbor salmonella and listeria bacteria, which could lead to food poisoning. Eating contaminated salad can cause flu-like symptoms in the mother and severe health complications in babies.

Solution: Make salads at home by following food safety basics. Make sure to clean and chop fruits and vegetables in clean surroundings, and cook meat, and eggs properly.

14. Unpasteurized juices:

Unpasteurized fruit and vegetable juices, including packaged ones, may carry harmful E.coli and salmonella bacteria. Not only that, but a glass of freshly made juice may also pose a risk if the fruits or vegetables are not washed well.

Solution: Choose pasteurized juices or make some at home. You must wash the fruits and vegetables thoroughly under running water and use a brush to scrape away the dirt, and cut off any bruised areas.

18. Nitrate-rich foods:

Avoid cured sandwich meats, bacon, deli meats, sausages, salami, and hot dogs as they contain nitrates. Nitrate enhances the food’s color and improves shelf life. But on consumption, the nitrates turn to nitrosamines in the bodies, increasing the chances of cancer in mothers and abnormalities in the fetus. Nitrate-rich foods also contain sodium and saturated fats which may be worse during pregnancy.

Solution: Eat well-cooked and lean cuts of your favorite meals to be on a healthy and safer side.


19. Sugar-rich foods:

Cut down on sugar-rich foods such as desserts, candies, cakes, ice creams, biscuits, chocolates, and sweetened beverages. They worsen pregnancy discomforts (nausea, vomiting, constipation, heartburn), increase weight, contribute to gestational diabetes, increase the risk of preterm labor, preeclampsia, and increase the risk of metabolic syndrome in babies.

Solution: Choose healthier sugar food options such as pears, grapefruit, dates, and apricots as they make great alternatives to foods containing added sugars. They are sweeter and healthier choices.

21. Street foods:

You may be craving for those sweet, sour, and spicy treats. They can increase the risk of infections, stomach problems, and food poisoning. They are harmful because of the poor food and water hygiene standards. Some examples of street foods include hot dogs, burritos, churros, cotton candy, soft pretzels, simit breast, corn in a cup, chicken rice.

Solution: If you like street food, find recipes of these foods online and make them at home! It will be fun.

22. Fatty foods:

Avoid trans-fats or hydrogenated fats including fast foods, processed foods, and takeaways such as crackers, cookies, frozen pizza, fried foods, margarine, and frosting. Also, the American Heart Association recommends limiting the trans-fats to less than 1% of your total calorie intake (21), to avoid the risk of heart diseases, obesity, increased fetal growth, and preterm labor.

Solution: Discuss fat-free options with your doctor for proper advice and recommendations. Foods containing omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids are vital as they are essential for you and your growing fetus. They are abundant in olives, nuts, avocados, flax seeds, and fish. However, do not binge on them.

23. Artificial sweeteners:

The safety of artificial sweeteners, including aspartame and saccharin, is controversial as some health practitioners believe that they are safe if used in moderate amounts while some others differ. You should avoid aspartame if you have a genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU). Your body cannot digest phenylalanine (a compound found in aspartame), which can, therefore, lead to birth defects. Saccharin is known to remain in the fetal tissues and shows no evidence of risks.

Solution: Use natural sugars but in moderation. Check with your doctor about the safety of artificial sweeteners if you have been using them.

24. Excess of vitamins:

You will have to increase the intake of certain nutrients (such as folic acid, iron, and calcium) during pregnancy. But be careful about the recommended dosages Avoid taking extra dosages of both fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins.

Excess fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in your body fat and liver, leading to harmful effects on the mother and the fetus (24). Likewise, water-soluble vitamins taken in excess can show irritating effects on the digestive system.

Solution: Have more natural sources of vitamins rather than supplements.

25. Homemade goodies:

Do not eat homemade cookies as the raw dough used for cooking may harbor bacteria, leading to food poisoning. This is true even in case of homemade ice-creams.

Solution: If you just can’t keep your hands off the baked treats, go for the treats from reputed brands.

26. Licorice:

Avoid licorice (mulethi) during pregnancy as one of its components, glycyrrhizin, is associated with several fetal developmental issues. The component impairs the placenta allowing the stress hormone to enter the baby, affecting its IQ. Research shows that ADHD issues in children and early puberty in girls are also side-effects of licorice. It also leads to higher blood pressure and preterm labor (26).

Solution: It’s best to avoid licorice in all its forms during pregnancy.

27. Leftovers:

Stay off from hot or cold foods that have been at room temperature for more than two hours. They are likely to harbor bacteria.

Solution: Eat freshly cooked foods. If required, store the leftover in the fridge and reheat thoroughly (up to 165°F) in clean utensils.

Disclaimer: Before you include or avoid any of the foods mentioned in the above list, consult your gynecologist or healthcare provider.

Be selective and cautious about what you eat when you are carrying. Remember that your food defines yours as well as your baby’s health. You can make dull and mundane food tasty right at home. So indulge in some cooking too.

Do you have any foods to add to our list? Share them with us in the comments section below.

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