
How To Say No To a One-Year-Old Baby?

The limits and standards to be set for the baby are very important for his development and, in general, discipline is not transmitted only with hugs. Your child also needs limits in order to grow and gain maturity.

Parents should not have any remorse for imposing standards and limits on their children. They should not feel guilty or think it will traumatize their child or interpret it as a lack of love for them.

Is your child the “rowdy” type at the table? If we all agree that it is still too early to teach him good manners (everything is timely to who knows how to wait), it is high time to explain to him that we cannot do everything and anything when lunch or dinner time has arrived.

The “spoon throwing” full of mash is a great classic at mealtime. If you have not experienced it yet, we recommend it … Parents’ patience is put to the test at this time, but it is also the best time to establish rules of good conduct for your child to follow.

How to say “no” to your child?

We avoid shouts and punishments of course. Your child does not yet fully understand what he is doing, although when he repeats the spoon 5 times in a row, it is hard to believe that he is not aware of what he is doing , but hey… It is necessary to keep your cool, and with a lot of calm but also firmness, explain to your child that this kind of behavior is unacceptable.

How to say “no” to your child: baby does not want to sleep …

For optimal development, your child needs a certain number of hours of sleep. Thus, to mark him schedules to go to sleep is essential.

Routines and little rituals before going to bed are the signs that will tell your child that bedtime is approaching. Taking a bath, singing her a few songs, reading her a book once he’s in bed, kissing her, lighting a night light and wishing her a good night are all steps that will make her understand that l bedtime has arrived.

Each child will behave differently when they go to bed. Some will be rather happy to go to sleep and to rest, while others will start to scream so as not to go to sleep, it is up to you to see which category is yours!

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