
Dear Husband, This Is What Your Wife Needs From You During Her Pregnancy

Dear husband, this is what your wife needs from you during her pregnancy. Today, your wife wants to share her feelings on being pregnant with you.

Here are 10 things every pregnant wife needs from her husband:

Respond to the announcement of the baby and gender appropriately.

Your reaction to the initial announcement of your wife’s pregnancy means the world to her. When we found out we were pregnant, I was equally as excited as my wife. The challenge came when we were about to find out the gender of the baby. I can honestly say I thought we were having a boy. I remember the look on my face when we found out we were having a girl. I had to quickly adjust it in order to not disappoint my wife. This was such an important moment for her and for every woman; they need to know you are just as excited as she is! This is all a part of the journey.

Tell her she is beautiful and mean it.

Your wife is going through a lot of changes and with those changes comes a hit to her confidence. Hearing, “you are beautiful” from the man she loves more than anything is something that will keep her heart secure in your love.

Start interacting with the baby now.

The baby is developing inside of your wife, which makes it really hard for you to feel as connected to the baby as your wife is. This is why you must make intentional steps when it comes to interacting with the baby. One thing I would do each night after my wife falls asleep is hold her belly and pray over my baby girl. This really helped me to start interacting with her and to begin to feel connected to Harvest

Massage every part of her body, especially her back.

This right here will make her fall in love with you all over again. This should be done at least one time every day. Take some time and ask your wife where she would like a massage, and I guarantee you will have one happy wife.

Don’t take it personal.

Do not take the things that may come out of your wives mouth personal. Give her grace as she undergoes a lot of changes and pressure she is learning how to deal with. She needs support, not fighting.

Adjust to her changing love languages.

During pregnancy the way your wife receives love will change. Try out different things to continue meeting her needs. Don’t be afraid to ask her what she wants and be open to serving her in new ways.

Learn what is happening in her mind and body.

Read books that will help you better understand what is happening in her body. I subscribed to a pregnancy app that sends me emails each morning with a new tip and update on where my wife is in her pregnancy journey. This helps in our conversations, and is even handy when we are at doctor’s appointments

Go to all doctor’s appointment.

I was late to our first appointment due to work and the look on my wife’s face when I arrived was something I never want to see again. Your wife wants you at every appointment; so, make every effort possible to be at each one and to be on time.

Let her sleep.

Your wife will experience a strong drain of energy. Take up some extra responsibilities around the house in order to allow her to rest. When she has the sleep she needs, she will be able to function and live much more comfortably, and trust me, you will benefit as well.

Be patient and enjoy the journey.

n Pregnancy is a journey and if you can be patient with your wife along the ride, your relationship will become stronger than ever. This is the preparation time for entry into one of the most rewarding seasons of your life.

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