
Make your child happy!

Making your child happy is the wish of every parent. You can do this by following these six tips, day after day.

To make his child as happy as possible is the wish of every parent. For this, children must feel good about themselves, keep the best of each individual and find in themselves the means not to be bored. As for us, parents, we must help them to use their own resources to face big and small problems without being discouraged.

This happiness that we will give them will allow them to approach life in a calm, balanced and optimistic way. Here are six helpful tips to apply day after day to keep our kids happy.

Make your child happy: Tip number 1

A child cannot grow up happy without rules to respect and limits not to be exceeded. How should these rules be? They must be simple and adapted to the child’s age. It’s not about enforcing them by shouting or punishing; it is enough to be firm and determined for them to be respected.

Make Your Child Happy: Tip Number 2

We must teach our children to be optimistic, even if it means forcing us to repeat over and over that no bad experience is as bad as it sounds, or that no one is as bad. it seems!

Make your child happy: Tip number 3

We, ourselves, must lead by example, by smiling, by ceasing to complain needlessly, by highlighting positive events and by showing ourselves joyful. We must also try to get less angry and not criticize anyone in front of the child.

Make your child happy: Tip number 4

We need to teach our child to trust him, praising him when he deserves it and encouraging him to fend for himself whenever possible. Thus, we show that we trust him … There is nothing better for self-esteem!

Make Your Child Happy: Tip Number 5

One can scold a child, but without mortifying himself; just pointing out the mistake or wrong action is enough. Avoid phrases like “You’re awkward.” You are unable to do anything ”; rather say, “What you did is not right.”

Make Your Child Happy: Tip Number 6

Develop your child’s sense of humor to allow him to play down the situation; prefer laughter to tears. A sense of humor has nothing to do with mockery and sarcasm: it is something much lighter and more pleasant that brings a smile. Practiced by parents, this is the best way to teach children.

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