
Uncommon Ways To Tell If You’re Having A Girl Or A Boy

12 Weird Ways To Tell If You’re Having A Girl Or A Boy

One of the most exciting times during pregnancy is finding out the gender of the baby.

Once you learn the gender, it’s a blast to have a reveal party and share the experience with family and friends. Although most people find out about gender during an ultrasound appointment, there are several wives’ tales that claim you can tell your baby’s gender without an ultrasound.

There is a handful we’re sure you’ve heard of before, but some of these will come as a complete surprise to you.

There is a very good test For Predicting your baby gender By The Baby Gender Prediction Test Early Pregnancy Boy or Girl Gender Kit, Get one From Amazon Here.

1 Skin Changes

Girl: oily skinBoy: dry skin

2 Acne

Girl: extra oil causes breakoutsBoy: no change to normal acne

3 The ‘Glow

Girl: no changeBoy: the stereotypical pregnancy glow

4 Linea Nigra

Girl: dark line stops below the belly buttonBoy: dark line continues above the belly button


5 Baking Soda Test

mix two tablespoons of baking soda with your urine.this method is said to be 80% accurate!

Girl: nothing happensBoy: it fizzes

6 Hair Texture

Girl: hair becomes limp and dullBoy: hair gets thick and glossy

You can also Use the early Gender at-Home DNA Test Kit Predicts Baby Gender at 99.1% Get it From Amazon here.

It’s a boy if:

• You didn’t experience morning sickness in early pregnancy.
• Your baby’s heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute.
• You are carrying the extra weight out front.
• Your belly looks like a basketball.
• Your areolas have darkened considerably.
• You are carrying low.
• You are craving salty or sour foods.
• You are craving protein — meats and cheese.

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• Your feet are colder than they were before pregnancy.
• The hair on your legs has grown faster during pregnancy.
• Your hands are very dry.
• Your pillow faces north when you sleep.
• Dad-to-be is gaining weight right along with you.
• Pregnancy has you looking better than ever.
• Your urine is bright yellow in color.
• Your nose is spreading.
• You hang your wedding ring over your belly and it moves in circles.
• You are having headaches.
• You add your age at the time of conception and the number for the month you conceived and the sum is an even number.

There is a very good test For Predicting your baby gender By The Baby Gender Prediction Test Early Pregnancy Boy or Girl Gender Kit, Get one From Amazon Here.

It’s a girl if:

• You had morning sickness early in pregnancy.
• Your baby’s heart rate is at least 140 beats per minute.
• You are carrying the weight in your hips and rear.
• Your left breast is larger than your right breast.
• Your hair develops red highlights.
• You are carrying high.
• Your belly looks like a watermelon.
• You are craving sweets.
• You are craving fruit.
• You crave orange juice.

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