
What Babies Need To Eat In Summer

What precautions should you take to prevent your baby from having a stomach ache? How long can you leave the bottle outside the refrigerator? Here are some tips for feeding the baby in the summer.

To enjoy a calm and safe summer for your little one, it is important that you follow a few tips on feeding, as some problems can occur during the summer.

  1. During the warmer months, it is advisable to opt for a diet based on the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables and to choose foods rich in water so that your baby is sufficiently hydrated. It is also important that your child eats cereals, such as rice or pasta, and it is necessary for him to eat foods rich in calcium: give him milk and dairy products every day.
  2. The ideal cooking methods are: steam, oven and foil. As a condiment, prefer olive oil. It is recommended to prepare light meals and avoid fried foods.
  3. Regarding the milk from the bottle, it is important to ensure the hygiene of the powdered milk during preparation. If you prepare it in advance, you should keep it in the refrigerator at 4 ° C or below, for less than 30 hours. You should warm it up just before your baby’s meal. However, if you keep the bottle at room temperature, it should be consumed within four hours. In this case, the ideal is to keep hot water in a thermos and to prepare the bottle just at the time of your baby’s meal.

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